Five Steps to Critical Thinking
In the digital age, critical thinking is not just a skill, it's a necessity. Critical thinking is the superhero cape of the mental world. It helps us analyse information and make smart decisions.
Okay, but what is it exactly? We think critically when we dig below the surface of an issue. Note here that anything can be an issue. Issues include anything that requires a decision, and decisions imply that choices are available. This is a skill that you can use in your daily life, from choosing what to eat to making important career decisions.
Let’s break it down:
Know–find out by reading, viewing or talking.
Understand–explain it to ourselves. If we can’t, do more of Number 1.
Combine–explain it to others.
Assess–defend your choice.
Create–act on your decision.
Got all of that? Apply the steps to a supermarket purchase. To simplify things further, think of this cycle:
Gather–Numbers 1 and 2 above
Organise–3 & 4
Communicate–Number 5
The cycle works with any issue. In many instances, we do it without thinking about the individual steps. And, of course, many decisions have ripple effects elsewhere. Decisions taken by others (politicians, for instance) impact our own choices or cause us to modify and adapt. The above skills can be taught. You can refine them through practice.
Note that I have omitted the role emotions play in critical thinking. That will take another set of posts.